Why Prenatal Pilates?

By: Taya Griffin – Lactation Consultant, Mother, Yoga and Pilates Instructor


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There are many benefits to attending mind body exercise classes when one is pregnant. Not only is the aim to build a strong body, to endure any labor that nature might deem your journey, but a strong mind, a focused breath and a strengthened pelvic floor are a huge help as well!


I have been teaching Pilates for over ten years and Prenatal Pilates for over five years. I am amazed at the results that my clients have achieved over the course of their pregnancies even if they did not attend Pilates classes before getting pregnant.


One mother mentioned that her doctor exclaimed she was a “walking poster child” for the need to do Prenatal Pilates after she was able to engage and at the same time relax the muscles necessary to push her baby out quickly.


As an added bonus, as a Lactation Consultant and mother of two little ones myself, I am aware of the arm and shoulder strength required to nurse, carry and care for babies. We therefore also have a focus on the “practical” muscles required for that first year of “momhood”!


Here is one of my favorite moves to help strengthen and tone the hips and thighs and assist with creating pelvic stability. This is level one of the exercise. Give it a try and then join us on Wednesday evenings at 889 Yoga for levels two and three and much more!



1) Lie on your side (you can bend your elbow to support your head with your hand) with your hips and shoulders in line.

2) Bend both knees at a 90 degree angle to the body stacking them one on top of the other.

3) Make sure to keep the hips well stacked and the toes glued together

4) Draw the abdominals and pelvic floor in and up

5) Begin to rotate the upper knee to the ceiling keeping the hips still and the toes together. Try to rotate it is as much as you can without moving the body. Lower the knee back down to the lower knee

6) Repeat 10 times and don’t forget to switch sides.


Taya teaches PreNatal Pilates 5:45-6:45pm and PostNatal Pilates (with baby!) 11-12pm every Wednesday at 889 Yoga 

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