The Mom Method

With the emphasis on wellness and self-care more prominent than ever, it may seem like a no-brainer to find the time to invest in your own health and wellbeing. But with the demands of work, family and life, in general, our own health can get put on the back burner. Now let’s say you’re a new mom to a bouncing, smiling (read: pooping and non-sleeping) baby, that motivation can be even more difficult. Finding time to exercise, setting aside time for yourself, not to mention the idea of leaving your baby with a sitter or in daycare to go out and participate in these classes can seem insurmountable! This is where The Mom Method comes in.

“You can’t pour from an empty cup”

What is The Mom Method?

The Mom Method was born out of a desire to provide more than just a physical workout for new moms. Ariel and Adrienne joined forces in the Summer of 2017 to create a program that not only provides safe, fun and effective movement for postpartum mamas but also provides a space where moms can bring their babies and talk about the other side of parenting.

A place where moms can ask questions and safely talk about topics such as; what should I be eating in order to support my body emotionally and physically? How do I navigate weaning my baby onto solid foods? How do I take care of myself when I feel like I’m always caring for others? Why is this parenting thing so damn hard sometimes??

The Mom Method is a program that combines the best of both these worlds; a great workout and a great opportunity to learn, share and experience with other new moms who are in the same stage of life as you.

How are these classes different from other mama classes?

During The Mom Method sessions, you can bring your baby! Mamas get a chance to move, learn and connect with other like-minded mamas, while babies hangout/eat/sleep alongside you.  Also, if you are exclusively breastfeeding, having your baby at the workout avoids the need to have to plan out your next feeding.

This workshop is also unique in that it provides an educational and discussion section in each session. The class is loosely structured into two 45 minute chunks with the first half of the session focusing on your workout. The final 45 minutes is dedicated to a learning topic geared towards Mamas and babies, where you have the opportunity to ask questions and have an open discussion.

And wait..did we mention there will be snacks? Delicious, healthy homemade snacks? Yep, there are snacks.

What can I expect from the movement section of the class?

Ariel is an expert in pre and postpartum exercise with a focus on maintaining and restoring core strength through movement, that can help with common Perinatal ailments, such as healing diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and pelvic floor dysfunction (Hello incontinence!).

For many mamas, pregnancy is one of the most physically and emotionally transformative experiences of their lives. Through mindful movement, we help to heal postnatal bodies in a challenging yet supportive way.

We bring a mix of Yoga, Pilates and Barre to each class. Physical intensity is always dictated by your comfort level and you will never be pushed into a pose or exercise that is uncomfortable or painful for you.

Our aim is for you to leave class feeling stronger, longer, more flexible and better off than when you started.

How about the discussion/education section? What topics can I expect to learn about?

We focus on parenting, self-care and baby care from a holistic perspective. That means we look at all of those things from the emotional, nutritional and physical aspects. The topics we cover in each session reflect this ideal.

Here is an example list from our last Mom Method Workshop:

  • Infant sleep and sleep tips
  • Balancing hormones postpartum
  • Self-care
  • Breastfeeding and weaning
  • Baby’s first foods

The list is not definitive, our goal is to tailor each workshop to the uniqueness of our class participants. We are here to support you, so we are open to topic suggestions and always, always encourage open discussion and lots of question asking.

“Powerful avalanches begin with small shifts”

– Pamela McFarland

We truly hope you will take this time for you and your baby to join us for The Mom Method workshop in March, here at 889 Community.

With love,

Ariel & Adrienne


Founders of The Mom Method; Ariel Grace and Adrienne Côté have over 15 years combined experience working with women at all stages of pregnancy and postpartum.

Ariel couples her years of training in Yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa, Prenatal Kundalini, Aerial), Pilates, Barre (Stott/Pre and Postnatal) with her certification as a Core Confidence Specialist (Bellies Inc) to bring a creatively unique flow to all her classes, specifically to support women pre and postpartum. Ariel teaches classes and workshops at 889 Community as well as workshops and Yoga Teacher Training programs across the GTA.

Adrienne brings her many years of working with prenatal and postnatal women as a Birth and Postpartum Doula (DONA International) and Birth Educator (CAPPA) into her practice as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist (CNP). Her private practice specializes in women’s health with a focus on optimizing female health, fertility, hormones and postpartum recovery. Adrienne currently teaches and works with both Doula and Nutrition clients across the City of Toronto and over Skype.

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  1.   In fact, according to the National Childbirth Trust, the  6-8 week postnatal check:   “is about making sure you’re feeling well and recovering as expected after your pregnancy and birth experience…most importantly, this is a chance to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Some women can be surprised at how quick the postpartum check-up is and that there isn’t always a physical examination or detailed questions asked.