Boutique Love #2 – Greeting Cards by Mark Krause

HEY Y’ALL! That’s right, I’m back for Boutique Love #2. There are so many fantastic products in our boutique but my second favorite goody is definitely our signature Mark Krause Cards.

Mark Krause is one of our most dedicated 889ers at the Yonge Street location; and, who knew he was such a talented cartoonist? I recently discovered his hilarious yoga card collection in our boutique and immediately became obsessed with them. I have literally gifted an MK card to all of my loved ones in the past 4 months.

Mark is a writer who also loves to draw, as you can read on his website ; but, his collection of yoga themed greeting cards are especially unique to 889. WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR MARK’S CREATIVITY.

My personal favourite card is one where Mark draws a man heading in to yoga class who has stopped to notice that there are compartments for yogis to leave their belongings. The humour, however, is that the three compartments are labeled “shoes”, “cellphones” and “egos.” GETS ME EVERYTIME!


Or how about the cartoon where Mark draws a young yogini looking at her mother with puppy-dog eyes with her hands in prayer position; the caption from the mother is, “Don’t namastay me young lady!” Krause honestly couldn’t be more clever if he tried!

I could continue to feature each and every one of Mark’s cards because they are just so cute and fun, but I would rather urge you to take a look at the 10-card collection in our boutique at the Yonge Street 889! There are funny cards, ironic cards, sentimental cards and cards that are just plain adorbs.

And, if you’re like me and become totally MK fanatical, he has an ongoing comic strip called 10,000P on his website that is a must-see!

Talk soon yogis!

Love and light,



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