Connect to Your Body Through Meditation

YogaUnplugged2.0_Promo_33How often do you say I don’t know?

I can honestly share with you that I used to always say I don’t know. Even the simplest things such as, what do you want for dinner? I do not know. What do you want to do tonight? I do not know.

One thing that has helped me with not knowing is that I have always been open to seeking answers.  However, this journey lead me to looking for answers anywhere except from within myself. It left me with a lot of advice and not a lot of action. Simply put, not trusting my intuition and myself. It wasn’t until I was able to slow down and feel my body that I started realizing that all of the answers I was, and continue to look for, are all here in my body. In my experience so far, it has been through the practices of yoga, meditation, energy healing, fitness, pilates and eating that I was finally able to connect to body in new and expanded ways.

Until we are able and willing to feel, hear/listen, taste and see the answers of within, we will continue to get stuck in numbing our body so that we do not have to deal with what is really going on. Some common ways we tend to numb is through food, addictions of any kind, avoidance, being busy, the list goes on. This cycle usually perpetuates our ability to not trust ourselves. One of the easiest ways (for me) to get connected to body is through simple body awareness meditations, such as the one below. Read through and give it a try when you feel ready.

Body Awareness Meditation – Connecting to the Body.

1. Come to a comfortable seated posture with your spine straight, either on the floor or in a chair with your feet planted flat on the floor.

2. Tune into the subtleties of your breath. The rise and fall of the belly and chest. On every exhale drop a little bit deeper into your intuition.

3. Place your attention on a specific area of the body that you would like to give some attention and love too.

4. Become aware of how you are feeling (emotions, sensations, pain or pleasure). Just become the witness. Maybe what you are feeling is in a different part of your body. Just allow whatever comes up to be there.

5. Continuing to breathe… Inhale bring in light and love. Exhale release anything you no longer need.

6. To end, squeeze every muscle in your body, from head to toe, as tight as you can. Then exhale and release any tightness or tension… just let go.

Please give this meditation a try coupled with your yoga practice and let me know how your relationship with your body is shifting. I recommend doing this for at least one week and if possible, 40 days.

I look forward to reading your comments below.

If by chance this feels scary to you please email me for extra support or other methods of connecting to your body – [email protected]

With love, trust, connection and co-creation,


Sara teaches 889’s  4-week Beginner Yoga Workshop at 889 Yonge Street and teaches 6:00pm Flow Yoga on Wednesdays at 889 Four Seasons

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