On Guard: The essential oil that feels like “coming home”
September 9, 2016 | by Emily Ridout

On Guard was one of the first doTERRA blends that I was introduced to. The aroma of this oil feels like “coming home.” The subtle hint of clove takes me back to my memories of fall as a child in Ontario. On Guard is a blend of wild orange peel, clove bud, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaf and rosemary leaf. It’s warm, spicy and woody.

On Guard is a magical blend because it is immunity boosting and literally heals you as its diffusing. doTERRA also makes household products with On Guard which takes the healing and immunity boosting properties of this oil to all of the areas of household living.
When you was your hands with the On Guard foaming hand wash you are not just washing your hands! You are booting your immune system and healing your life! The same goes for the laundry soap – the aroma is REAL and not just a toxic load going into your cells like other detergents.
I went for my check up at the dentist last week and the hygienist asked me “WHAT have you been using?” She couldn’t believe how white my teeth had become in six months and how healthy my gums were. I’ve been using the On Guard toothpaste for 6 months.
The On Guard household cleaning concentrate has now replaced all of the cleaning products in my house! One bottle of concentrate makes 18 bottles of all purpose household cleaning spray! You can pick up 16 oz dark brown glass bottles to make your own (available in The 889 Shop too!). Directions are on the bottle

And last but not least the actual On Guard oil blend itself!
I diffused 4 drops on On Guard all day long in the fall/winter/spring in my kitchen. My family did not get sick! This was a game changer as my kids are always getting sick during the winter school months. I take one drop of On Guard in a glass of water regularly for an immunity boost – especially when I feel a little sickness coming on – like a sniffle or a sore throat. When my children have a fever, I rub one drop (just ONE drop) of the blend with a 1/4 teaspoon of doTERRA’s fractionated coconut oil to the bottoms of their feet. Put them in bed to sleep and it breaks their fever. Incredible.
In love with this product already? You can buy it online in The 889 Shop. We also carry all of the household items in the Shop in Toronto at 889 Yonge Street. You can email us at [email protected] if you have any questions while placing your online order.
Intrigued and want to go deeper into oils? I’m co-hosting an Essential Oils 101 event on September 14 at 7PM. You should come! Sign up HERE. You will learn the three ways to use doTERRA oils and also how to get them. We will help you choose some oils that are right for you and your wellness needs! And you get a custom 10ml roller when you attend.
I’m always happy to host Essential Oils 101 parties at your home with your friends! It’s a fun way to empower yourself and your friends to get rid of the toxins in your home AND heal through the power of doTERRA therapeutic grade essential oils. If you host a party you get an awesome hostess gift from me!! Write me at [email protected] to schedule a party now!

We want to welcome you home.
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Do Terra On Guard toothpaste sounds good. .I use toothpaste from the health food store for sensitive teeth. It strengthens the teeth so that they do not get sensitized by acidic foods etc. Is there anything in On guard that will also do this?
Hi Rosemary!
Here is the link to more specific details on the On Guard toothpaste: http://www.myoils.com.au/gallery/On%20Guard%20Toothpaste.pdf
We sell it in the 889 Shop!
Hi Emily,
Thank you for this inspirinf and informative blog. I have heard a lot about doTerra essential oils but the 1st time someone explained the multi purpose use in daily life and how beneficial it is for an all-round health boost and maintenance.
I am interested in hosting an Essential Oils 101 party at my home for my friends so i can educate them and myself. I have never done any such parties before so wondering what’s involved. Would you mind if we can mee one day to talk?
Please email me and let’s chat soon.
Thank you!
Hi Stella,
I would love to host an EO party at your home. Please send me a message at [email protected] and we can discuss the details.
With gratitude,