The Insightful Practice
The Insightful Practice
Many of us have themes we tend to gravitate back to. There are patterns in our lives that eventually reveal themselves and we have the opportunity to reinforce, observe, ignore or work to adjust them. Often we see them and we remind ourselves we’d like to begin to implement change – but when? How?
The culture of a city – or a workplace, school, family – is something we can easily get lost in and one where we can definitely forget about our own basic needs. Did I eat lunch today? Did I even want to eat that?
We get caught up in how busy and demanding our lives can be, and in a way, it is satisfying. It can be fulfilling to be in demand. But how much do we have to give to others if we’re not giving enough to ourselves?
Take Time to Recharge
It is vital that we take the time to recharge. The little breaks we take to breathe a little deeper or close our eyes for a moment, to relax and check in, are foundational to our happiness. The larger moments we carve out to get on our mats or sit in silence remind us how much we need to make these times more of a priority.
We have the ability to create the days and weeks that accumulate into the months and years of our lives. The pattern or practice of self-care isn’t one that comes naturally to most of us, but it is one that has been in the forefront of my life for many years. Thankfully it came from the culture within my family and now it is one that I am passing on not only to my own children but to my students.
Regardless of the choices you have made to dedicate yourself to your career, your passion, or raising a family, we live in a time that does not support downtime. Giving yourself permission to ‘do less’ is more work in the beginning, but it’s sustainable.
Insightful Practice Retreat
This summer I am so thrilled to show you how to make this happen. Setting intentions and living your truth is magical, but giving yourself the space and surroundings to get there is even more so.
Join Josh Cohen and me on Bowen Island this August for the Insightful Practice Retreat. We will focus on doing simple practices really well. Feel your pace slow, your mind empty, and your heart overflow.
Bowen Island, BC
(20 mins. from West Vancouver)
We want to welcome you home.
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