Put these Cancer Fighting Foods on your grocery list!

By: Joy McCarthy Holistic Nutritionist of joyoushealth.ca

Hi beauties!

This lovely image popped up in my newsfeed on Facebook, so being that I’m a holistic nutritionist with a fierce belief and commitment to educating others on the power of eating foods that PREVENT cancer, I am sharing it with you!

Some of these foods may not be on your weekly grocery list… perhaps Brussels sprouts or turmeric? But don’t knock em’ till you try them (perhaps for the second time since you were a kid)! Believe you me, I was there too thinking that Brussels sprouts smelled like dirty feet and tasted like grey mush, (yes “grey mush” has a flavour that doesn’t have a proper English description) based on having to eat them as a kid.

However, I implore/beg you to give them another try because they are potent cancer fighters thanks to four specific glucosinolates found in this cruciferous vegetable: glucoraphanin, glucobrassicin, sinigrin, and gluconasturtiian. Research has shown that Brussels sprouts offer these cancer-preventive components in a very special combination.

And they target your body in three distinct ways to prevent cancer: 1. Enhanced detoxification; 2. High in antioxidants; 3. Anti-inflammatory. These little green balls of deliciousness pack a potent nutrition punch and this only scratches the surface because there’s a whole list of other foods – per that image above.

Just keep in mind, the key to health and vitality is a diet in a wide variety of foods. In fact, over the years, one of the most common trends I see on people’s food journals that consider themselves “healthy”, is they eat the same fruit day in and day out. For example, they use the same frozen organic blueberries in their smoothie for 8 months at a time. While blueberries are little powerhouses of anti-cancer nutrients, there are so many other berries to eat! So be sure to spice things up and don’t get stuck in a rut of the same veggies and fruits.

Before I go, I must share my fabulous recipe for Brussels sprouts in hopes that I might convince you to give them a try!


  • 12-16 Brussels sprouts
  • Half an onion, diced
  • 1 tbsp dried flaked hot chili peppers (or more if you like it spicy!)
  • Good pinch of sea salt
  • Dash of pepper
  • Dollop of organic butter or organic coconut oil
  • Splash of white wine

Method: Wash the sprouts, trim the rough end off and tear off any outside leaves that don’t look pretty. Cut them in half. Heat a pan to medium temperature and melt your coconut oil or butter. Add a splash of vino. Then add your Brussels sprouts and cook just until tender. This can take anywhere from 10-15 minutes. Add your seasonings and more coco oil or butter if you like.

Serves 2. EnJOY!

I can’t wait to hear if you change your mind and give Brussels sprouts another try.

Be joyous,




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