How to Cultivate Peace, Joy & Grace in your Daily Life

Screen Shot 2015-06-10 at 11.55.24 AMA few weeks ago I went for lunch with a dear friend who has been going through a lot of change and challenges.  Once we got settled and ordered our meals, she said that she has been thinking about me knowing everything I have gone through in my life, and wanted advice on how to find ease amongst all that is going on in her life.


She specifically wanted to know how I stayed happy, and not distracted or unsettled by the problems that exist.  She wanted advice on how to get through this time with less anxiety and stress.  As I shared a few ways I keep joy in my life, I thought that this would be of value to others as well. Life has a way of continuously testing our strength with curve balls and these little reminders are great for anytime in our lives to cultivate a little peace, a little joy, and a little presence in daily life.


Here are 10 ways one can make each day a little brighter and more meaningful. They are not in any order.  As you read them see which ones resonate with you that you can implement or cultivate in your own life.


1) Self-Love

It’s the key to self-acceptance, self-worth and inner peace. Bring awareness to the self-sabotaging talk and actions, and respond with loving kindness. Accept your whole being, both the light and the dark, as both are equally a part of you, and when accepted there is greater inner peace and authenticity in daily life. Be kind to yourself.


2) Surrender

Let go of what’s not serving you. Some challenges will always be there and all you can do is accept or let go.  Breath, have faith, and experience each moment as it is, the only reality. All will turn out as it should. I can tell you from experience that it does.


3) Forgive

Forgiveness sets you free.  So much inner-turmoil and suffering is caused by holding onto grudges and ill will, and often it is the ego that keeps us trapped.  People that harm or cause suffering are also going through immense pain, and if we let our guard down and approach the situation first or say “sorry”, we not only cultivate inner peace for our own well-being but it creates a ripple effect that adds greater joy and ease with other relationships in your life.


4) Feel

Connect to your truth as you connect to all of you. Let yourself feel and be seen in your vulnerability and strength.  It is risky, but so worth it to allow yourself to bask in love, belonging and joy, the experiences that make us the most vulnerable.  Inner freedom comes from letting your beauty seep through, without holding back. FEEL big, LIVE big!


5) Support

Surround yourself with people that not only love and support you, but also lift you, stand behind you, and reflect back the light that you are.  The people we hold dear in our life are a reflection of how we see and like ourselves.


6) Guidance

If there are deeper issues holding you back, insecurities, fears or attachments to old stories, seek help from someone that will guide you to look deeper within yourself to feel, discover, uncover and breathe, and gently let it go.  Get to the root of what is holding you back from living authentically and keeping you in the illusion.  Set yourself free and live in your power.


7)  Practice

Find time for yoga or meditation, even if it is for 10 minutes a day. Yoga and meditation bring you back to yourself. They allow space for you to breath, connect and reflect on where you may have attached to your story and to lovingly and patiently begin to shed what does not serve.  Your practice will keep you grounded in who you are, so you can dream big, show up powerfully in your relationships and process the world around you so you will lead each day authentically, in union with body, mind, heart and spirit.


8) Courage

Explore the uncomfortable nooks and crannies. Take a risk, face your fears and resistance, and go ahead anyway.  Breathe and take the first step towards an action that will better your life and your relationships.  When you act from true courage, the people, tools and inner wisdom will appear to help you along the way.


9) Gratitude

Take a moment each day to reflect on what you are grateful for.  Perhaps, spend 5 minutes each evening listing three things you are grateful for. No matter how dark your day, you will always uncover something to be grateful for. “Gratitude is the gateway to abundance”.


10) Love or Fear

There are only 2 options. Trust your heart. Take a risk. Live fully, live BIG.


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