Clear the Clutter: Holistic Spring Cleaning
Holistic Spring Cleaning for the Home
If you have been wanting to clean your house and can’t find the energy to do it, diffuse this essential oils blend in your home. Clear the Clutter will help you create the excitement and desire to purge the physical, in effect purging the emotional, for a holistic Spring cleaning.
This recipe is taken from “Blends for Emotional Well-Being” written by Desiree Mangandog. In this book she explains, “it is common in our modern society to accumulate stuff and rarely clear our home of unnecessary items. The reality is, too much stuff drags us down. When we let go of extraneous things, more positive flow occurs in our life. If you have been wanting to clean house but couldn’t find the energy to do it, use this blend to help shift your attitude.”
Clear the Clutter Recipe
12 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
Lemongrass is the most powerful cleansing oil. It alleviates low vibrations of “holding onto things.”
4 drops Lime Essential Oil
Lime brings gratitude to the heart. It promotes feelings of appreciation for all that you have.
2 drops Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon provides the necessary focus to stay the course and commit to eliminating excess.
1 drop Cinnamon Essential Oil
Cinnamon gives you confidence. No matter how big the task of de-cluttering, cinnamon reminds you that it can be done.
1 drop Arborvitae Essential Oil
Arborvitae reminds you to trust the journey, as it may be an emotional process of letting go. It provides feelings of strength and security.
3 drops White Fir Essential Oil
White fir gives you renewed energy and excitement for a new chapter in your life.
Combine all oils and diffuse.
Find all the ingredients along with a recipe card in The 889 Shop!