Beat the heat with Sitali Pranayam

By Nicky Poole, Yoga Community Leader

Sitali PranayamPranayama is an aspect of our yoga practice, as important, if not more so than the practice of physical postures. The simplest definition of the sanskrit word pranayama comes from two words: prana meaning energy, or life force, and yama meaning restraint. So pranayama is the control of our vital energy, and this is most effectively done through regulating the pattern and pace of our breath in some way. There are many, many different forms of pranayama, today I am going to outline a great one you can all practice safely which can help to cool you down in this midsummer heatwave! It is called Sitali Pranayam and will be a valuable addition to your yoga toolbox.


1. Sit comfortably. This can be cross legged on the floor or comfortably on a chair. Make sure your spine is nice and straight.

2. Create a U shape with your tongue with the tip just past the end of your lips. (Note: some genetics are involved here, if you can’t roll your tongue I am told you will never be able to learn. Don’t worry, just do your best! )

3: Breath in slowly as if you were inhaling the oxygen directly into your mouth through a straw. Relax your mouth and exhale slowly out through your nose.

4: Repeat 10 – 12 times (this may take some practice). You can build up to 3 minutes or more over time.


  • This pranayam cools the body slightly, and can reduce fevers
  • It is detoxifying (if the air tastes bitter as it comes in over the tongue, this is quite normal, it will sweeten as you begin to detoxify)
  • It can reduce inner fire (pitta) in hot headed people.


  • Don’t practice this breathing exercise if you have low blood pressure as it could lower it further, and discontinue practice if you feel faint, or light headed.

Our canine friends know to practice this pranayam intuitively when they are hot. We can learn so much from them can’t we?  I snapped this cute pic of my sisters dog, Brynn practicing Sitali a couple of weeks ago.

I will be teaching this pranayam in class for the next few weeks, so if you need some more instruction, catch me around the studio and I will be happy to help you. In the meantime, if you want an instructional video link, check this one out.

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