Diagnosis: Diastasis… Prescription: Pilates!

By: Taya Griffin, Breastfeeding Consultant + Yoga and Pilates Instructor

Taya Griffin Head Shot

Have you noticed a little bulge in your stomach that has remained since you have given birth? No matter how much you work out or eat well, does this bulge hang on, refusing to vacate?

Diastasis is a common condition of pregnancy and postpartum that affects approximately 35-62% of mothers. During pregnancy the right and left halves of the rectus abdominis muscle spread apart at the body’s mid-line fascia, the linea alba. This is due to both the outward force of the growing uterus and the softening of connective tissue by pregnancy hormones.

A midline separation of 2-2.5 fingers (or cm’s) is considered problematic. A wide enough space reduces the integrity and basic functional strength of the abdominal wall. This can aggravate lower back pain and cause pelvic instability, digestive problems and even hernia.

The key to rehabilitation (whether it has been 6 weeks or 6 months since you have given birth) is to stop the crunches and traditional abdominal work, which work the rectus abdominus and oblique muscles, and work to strengthen the transversus abdominus muscle. The transversus abdominus is the innermost abdominal muscle and acts as a corset for our body.

It will be this corset that we will be focusing on in the new 889 Parent and Baby Pilates workshop. The workshop will include a basic assessment of diastasis (abdominal separation) and will focus on healthy abdominal exercises that will work every layer of the abdominal muscles. The goal is to have stronger abdominal muscles and longer and leaner muscles overall.

Don’t forget to join us right after the pilates class for the 889 Mothers Group where we will be talking about our postpartum bodies, breastfeeding, natural remedies, baby wearing and much, much more ? See you there!

Taya Griffin is a Breastfeeding Consultant, Yoga and Pilates Instructor and a Mother. She teaches prenatal breastfeeding classes and runs a private practice in Toronto helping mothers reach their breastfeeding goals. You can connect with her at www.tayagriffin.com

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