
By Vanessa Vujovic. Vanessa is a Concierge at our Yonge Street location. She is planning on attending the LYP teacher training program this September and has a passion for helping people realize and actualize their greatest potential. 

One thing that I’ve really learnt from my yoga practice that I’ve been able to take off the mat is how to BALANCE real life. Our ego is constantly trying to pull us into different polarities. That’s why we see/experience so many extreme highs and extreme lows. When we’re in the natural flow of things (where ego is not running the show), we tend to feel a lot more balanced and fulfilled in a neutral way, instead of being caught up in those extremes. The ego mistakes neutrality for boredom, but in reality, it is a state much more fulfilling and complete than either of the polarities. It is a state where genuine contentment is found.

It is very easy to veer off path and escape to a place where you feel unclear/unsettled/unfulfilled due to lifes many pressures and demands. The key here is NOT to panic. When you feel overwhelmed or out of tune with yourself, take an instant to chill out. Re-evaluate the situation. Have you been putting too many things ahead of you and neglecting your self-care? When was the last time you took time out for yourself to just BE? When you’re super incredibly thrilled about something, is it real? Or are you trying to prove something to yourself?

Ask yourself, are you balanced? Do you feel clear and on track? Or is there something that just doesn’t feel right. Introspect. The answer is always within!

TIP: What helps me stay balanced is prioritizing my time to make sure I maintain a regular practice (yoga, meditation, healthy choices). When I take good care of myself and partake in practices that help clear my mind, I’m more able to assist others and deal with issues effectively and calmly as they come up, instead of addressing them in a panic. I’m a lot more productive and HAPPY. Balance and neutrality is key.



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